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Digital Media
Sharing the Love of Christ
In the church.
In the community.
In the world.
Lutheran Church
St. John by the Mall, Joliet, IL
St. John Lutheran Church, ELCA
Local Mini-Mission "Trip"
We're excited to be planning a LOCAL mini-mission "trip" for this summer! Taking place over three days (July 22-24th), from 9am to 9pm each day, our "trip" will include volunteering at local service organizations, time for hanging out, a cookout, an evening program, and even some quality pool time!

Time & Location
Jul 22, 2021, 9:00 AM – Jul 24, 2021, 9:00 PM
St. John Lutheran Church, 2650 Plainfield Rd, Joliet, IL 60431, USA
We are excited to be planning a LOCAL mini-mission "trip" for this summer! Taking place over three days (July 22-24th), our "trip" will include volunteering at local service organizations, time for hanging out, a cookout, an evening program, and even some quality pool time! By filling out this form we are assuming you are 100% ready and available to participate in this event! All communication with youth participants will be through the parents: please check your email and forward information to your child as needed. Full details will be forthcoming, but here are a few things you should know:
- COVID protocols like mask wearing, hand washing, limited indoor time, will be followed.
- Our program will run July 22-24 from 9am to 9pm each day, and will be entirely LOCAL (the furthest we may go for a service site is Aurora, IL)
- Youth will be sleeping at home, and will need to be dropped off at 9am and picked up at 9pm (at church) (if you need a carpool, we can figure something out)
- On Wednesday, July 21st from 7:00pm-9:00pm we will have a youth orientation & kick off at church (students only)
- Youth are expected to eat breakfast before arriving promptly at 9am each day (we will depart for our service sites after a quick devotional), and should PACK A BAG LUNCH to eat at their service site. (Dinner each night will be provided by church)
- Youth may invite no more than 1 friend from outside of St. John.
- Registration deadline is Wednesday, July 14th. (if you sign up after this date you may not get a t-shirt)
- The total cost of this event is $50. Payment (check or cash) in the amount of $50 is due at the time you fill out this form. Checks can be written to St. John Lutheran Church with "Youth Mission Trip 2021" written in the memo line; drop off deposits in our church office. DO NOT PUT YOUR PAYMENT IN THE OFFERING PLATE. Scholarships available, contact Pastor Evan for details. tel:(262)366-3132
- More questions? Contact Pastor Evan: or Pam in the church office at