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Sharing the Love of Christ
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In the world.
Digital Media
Sharing the Love of Christ
In the church.
In the community.
In the world.
Lutheran Church
St. John by the Mall, Joliet, IL
St. John Lutheran Church, ELCA
Sharing the Love of Christ
In the church.
In the community.
In the world.
St. John Youth & Families Ministry
Faith Formation for Youth & Families
Service Ideas
November's Service Idea is Food Pantries
There are many ways for you to serve our community during the month of Thanksgiving. Food insecurity in our community has always been above average. With COVID-19, the need has exploded. This month, try and make a difference in the life of a hungry family. Here are some ideas...
Micro pantries have been popping up all around Will County. They are founded on the principle of "Give what you can. Take what you need." They are very small and people in our community depend on them when groceries are low and big food pantries like ours are not open. Visit one or two and bring food to stock the shelf. See below for a list of micropantries in our area. Thank you Kelli McDonald for putting this list together.
Support the volunteers at our pantry. Our volunteers give over 100 hours of time every week to serve our hungry neighbors. What can you do for them to let them know you care? If you choose to do this, please contact
If you are unable to get out to serve the hungry in our community, consider making a small donation to We have served between 150-330 families every weekend since the pandemic began. To date, we have served over 41,000 people which is not only more than we've ever done, but is the seating capacity at Wrigley Field!