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Sharing the Love of Christ
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Digital Media
Sharing the Love of Christ
In the church.
In the community.
In the world.
Lutheran Church
St. John by the Mall, Joliet, IL
St. John Lutheran Church, ELCA
The Gift of Time

Time & Location
Dec 12, 2021, 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
St. John Lutheran Church, 2650 Plainfield Rd, Joliet, IL 60431, USA
Do you have a child that is between the age of 4 and 10 years of age? Would you like a couple of hours for you and your plus one to get a late lunch of do some Christmas shopping together? The YST would like to give your the Gift of Time for you and your +1 for a couple of hours on Sunday Dec.12th from 3pm to 5pm. Your child will be able to spend a couple of hours at church playing games, doing crafts, listening to stories and having a snack. This is event is made possible for you by our Youth Service Team, and is reserved for children that are toilet trained, between the ages of 4 and 10. Reservations are limited to 25 slots and is $5 per child to cover the cost of materials and snack.