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Digital Media
Sharing the Love of Christ
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Lutheran Church
St. John by the Mall, Joliet, IL
St. John Lutheran Church, ELCA
College-Age Care Package Sign Up

Time & Location
Oct 18, 2021, 11:30 PM
Location is TBD
Dear Parents of College-Age Youth!
This fall, St. John will once again be sending care packages to our college-age youth! These care packages will contain college essentials (quick meals, snacks, other supplies) and a few notes of encouragement.
This is not exclusive to students! If your child between the ages of 18-23 is living at home, in military service, or in a different circumstance, we would be glad to send a package to them as well. We're excited to show our college-age youth that we are still thinking of them even in these chaotic times, and to help ease some of the stress of post-high school living.
The first step in the process is to collect addresses so we can make sure these packages get to the right place! We assume that most college-age youth live in different dorms/apartments year to year, so even if you filled out this form last year, please fill it out again. (Make sure that the address is correct and that your youth knows how to receive mail at their current address.)
Once we know how many packages we're sending, donations will be collected, and in November, our high school youth will assemble the care packages to be sent out.